How you Can Prepare For The Oncoming Simpler Recycling Legislation
Simpler recycling aims to introduce a simpler more efficient way for waste collection to operate throughout the country. This legislation will work through the separation of food waste and dry recyclables which will contribute to a more environmentally friendly future. This legislation was passed on the 21st of October 2023 which aims to reduce illicit activities and to tackle landfill waste and keep it at a minimal.
What Is Required Of You In Light Of This New Legislation
Businesses in the UK, as of March 31st 2025, must use separate and specific containers for food and dry recyclable waste to help dedicated collection to operate.
The government has provided a full guidance with detailed information to help inform businesses about this new legislation, this can be found by visiting the Gov UK Website

Why Is The Government Increasing Landfill Tax
The government have announced that they will be increasing landfill tax as a means of minimising excess waste, this legislation that is being passed does just that by promoting recycling rather than dumping.