National Energy Saving Week!

17th to 23rd January
There are many positive impacts of saving energy such as the promotion of more sustainable living as a society which could lead to major geo-economic change around the world, but what does this mean? By reducing our energy usage we can make cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, which is a step in the right direction as we head closer and closer to the ambitious goal of net zero emissions by 2050.
How could this affect you and your family? Saving energy will not only benefit society, but it will also allow you personally to cut your bills significantly leading to more disposable income that you could use to take your kids to Disneyland or buy them the latest tech gadgets. There are many ways you can save more money with renewable energy such as installing solar panels which could save you hundreds of pounds annually, which for some, is a quite the chunk of change. If solar panels are out of your price range, then don’t worry, even something as simple as adding more insulation to your building will help reduce heat loss and keep your home nice and cozy. Not only is more insulation a win for you, but also for the environment as there is less heating greenhouse emission and byproduct heat loss which would surely affect your carbon footprint.
There are a few very simple things that an individual can do to help reduce their energy usage like:
- Switching off lights
- Switching appliances and plugs off at the wall
- Only heat rooms you are using instead of the whole house
- Wash your clothes on a lower temperature and use quick cycles where possible
- Ensure that your waste is split correctly into general, recycling, food, glass and green waste so that it is processed correctly into renewable sources
Not only is renewable energy a lot cheaper, but by reducing our energy consumption, a power system dominated by renewables is expected to reduce costs overall in comparison to the average electricity wholesale market price over the last year.
Sommers Waste Solutions can help businesses contribute to the renewable energy put back into the energy grid by means of Anaerobic Digestion. This is where we turn your food waste into bio-gas which is used to turn turbines creating electricity, this is then pumped back into the UK power grid. Not only do we ensure that your food waste is processed into renewable energy but though a process called RDF – Or Refuse Derived Fuel your general waste is turned into a combustible component that the industry calls MSW. (Municipal Solid Waste). This is known as a lesser carbon fuel and is used in power stations to be diverted into electricity.
How can renewable energy stimulate economic growth? Through enhanced reliability, security and most importantly job creation, renewable energy is a market with potential to shape the economic space for the better.